Saturday 7 September 2013

My apologies

Sorry for the spaced out blog entries, but life catches up with you, you know.
Anyway, I did a google search the other day for "what to do when your boss is bullying you" but then I got fired yesterday, so that problem kind of solved itself. So yay!
But now I need to look for a new job. Boo!
Don't get me wrong, I'm an awesome person, easy to work with, blah blah blah. But I don't like meeting new people or talking on the phone, or being in the lowest positoon avalable. Like a gym teacher, or a telemarketer for the cheep crap no one wants.
All in all, I guess I'm now looking for a job that I don't have to talk to to many people, I don't sell anything, I don't have to be yelled at or ritaculed by supervisours and where I cab make enough money to party back my student loan in a year and a half.
For now I'll go back to drawing comics and not doing too much. Woow!