Things to make into posters
Wish list
Did you just miss pronounce "et cetera"?
I even have a bored of dolls so that once I have the time I can take up a hobbie of photographing dolls. But finally! I've got money again! So I can actually do some of the shit that I've been pinning all the time. So I bought some blank T-shirts and I'm going to design my own logo's on them. I'll come up with pictures or sayings and quotes that I want on them. It'll be great!
Why? Because I am a hipster! I wanna have shirts that no one else has. And if that means designing my own shirts then that's fine by me! I want sayings no one understands! Mad references few will get!
Or if I see a shirt I like, I can design it myself. Instead of paying 30 to 60 dollars for a shirt, I can pay $5 plus the cost of the stuff I use to iron the disigns on! And that stuff is like $10 for 20 sheets so that's not bad.
I'd have to change it a bit to make it my own, but I'd have no problem with that. I've already done a few things! I've pinned them to my "done" bored on Pinterest.
So long, and have a pinteresting day!
Nameless hipster girl