Saturday 16 February 2013

Interweb say wha?

It has come to my attention that most of the people who read my blog do so with internet explorer... I'd like to say. what's up with that? Chromes the way to go man, that's like not having Google as your home page. though, when I use Chrome it shows my most often used websites. For me sadly it's Facebook ..then Google .. then YouTube for some reason.

Speaking of YouTube! Check out this video!

Wasn't that fun kids!

Now, what was I going to talk about? Ah, yes.

Being back at school is cool so far. I still kind of hate it for some reason, but I'm trying to take it seriously. The teacher keeps telling us "don't over think it" but we're all creative people in the class. It's Graphic design! You have to be a creative person to even want to be in this course. You can use your ideas on so many levels and mediums. Being creative means we all use both sides of our brain. we're not left or right oriented, Creativity requires logic, analyses, imagination and words and sometimes even rythm! (see chart e-5)

Chart e-5

As you can see from the chart above, creative people use both there left and right side of the brain. So if your creative, your brain is more balanced. You would think...

I'm not good with numbers, or maps, but I've got rhythm and I use lists and lines and words. I daydream and imagine. I'm good wish shapes and colours so there you have it. I might be MORE skilled in my right side, but I exercise both sides. 
and as we all know, balance is key to life.

Hey that sounded pretty smart.
well that's my rant for the day. Have a good one, use chrome.
Nameless Hipster girl

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