Friday 11 October 2013

Here I am again, on my own

Hey there blog readers,

Nobody likes a child who complains and I won't be the child anymore!

I hope you recognize those lyrics, because if you don't you've failed at being a hipster. Go home! You're not wanted here!

The reason I post those lyrics is that I've been trying to improve myself. You know how people say "be yourself" well that's just fine for a Disney movie. Here in the real world it just didn't cut it.
"remember, Bee yourself!"

So I'm trying to be more positive and open to people, but normally I'm very negative and guarded. Mostly because I have mental health issues, but also because people suck. "Shoot 'em all and let God sort it out" is what I say (actually I usually say "Bigger is better." But it didn't apply to this situation.)

"My mom's puerto rican, that's why I'm so lively and colorful."

But that kind of attitude doesn't get me very far. So I'm trying. I'd like more friends. Friends I actually like. I miss that kind of friendship. I usually have friends I don't like. They suck...

Anyway, my life as a hipster stays constant. As the winter months approach it will get harder to determine the hipsters from the "lame" people, but believe me when I say "Just because I dress and act like a hipster doesn't mean I am one. They're copying me, I swear!" And that my friends you can take to the bank!
Don't forget to follow me on twitter, instagram and Pinterest! 
Twitter: @NamelessHipster
Instagram: @Namlesshipstergirl
Pinterest: @Bellamontgomary
Have a nice day! Or don't, I'm not the boss of you...

Nameless Hipster girl

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