Friday 11 April 2014

My apologies to Yvette Nicole Brown

This afternoon on the bus while heading to my bartending class, I read some tweets by Yvette Nicole Brown. I agreed with them. I ecpecially enjoyed the one's where she likened tweeting to following someone down the street and to someone coming to your door. "If you don't like where they're going don't follow them." "If you don't like what they're saying close the door." (I'm paraphrasing ofcaurse, I can't find the actual tweets) Essentially what she was getting at is that if you don't like what I'm saying then don't listen. But she mentioned something that I commented on. She tweeted:

"And the blockers continue to tweet on. shocked & dismayed that they can't say whatever they want w/o consequences. Where CAN you do that?!"

 I agree. Haters gotta hate, but I don't think twitter should be filled with posts about how you feel, you should save it for stuff that matters. Things that you need to say, or atleast you feel needs to be said. And I agree, from personal expirience it is easier to tweet something than to say it outloud.
I'm no hater. I love Yvette Nicole Brown in everything I've seen her in, though I can't always see everything she's in because I don't get those channels (I can't wait till the new episodes of Psych come on Netflix!) when I see her in stuff she's always a delight. I'm not flattering, I'm just telling the truth. I wanted to explain myself in more than 140 charecters.

 I'm perfectly fine with people expressing their opinions. But some people need to realize that what they say on twitter can be just like saying it in person. If you don't have an anonomous acount, then what you say is what you say. 
Everyone I follow on Twitter I give them 3 chances, if they say something stupid, or promote racism or homophobia, or refer to psychological disorders in a bad way, I stop following them. 
I'm happy to see people on Twitter promoting themselves, or connecting with like minded people. It's what it was made for right? But don't air your dirty laundry for all to see.  Save that stuff for facebook!
Once again, my sincere apologies to Yvette Nicole Brown if she thought I was referring to her tweets. I only meant people as a whole should remember to watch what they say before they say it, or rather tweet it.

Nameless Hipster girl

My number 4 favourite character on community. In my top ten countdown on Instagram.

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