Wednesday 5 March 2014

The day of Peace (September 21st)

Hey there people!

So at 4:30 in the morning I was struck with insomnia and decided to watch TED talks.(this was mostly due to the fact that music could not cure my insomnia and I have up Netflix for lent) the man in this video, Jeremy Gilley, has a great idea. He actually succeded in getting people to agree to a international peace day. He lowered violence in Afganistan by 70%! So I'd like you guys to watch the video, and send it to people you know. He talks about September 21st being the day of peace, and it's a great start!
This should apply to everyone that day. If on that day everyone had to be nice to everyone. Weather you're in a shitty mood or not say "thank you" to the boy that gives you your mocha frappachino. Smile at the woman driving the bus. If everyone did that for a day I'm sure they would notice that there day was better then a day that they acted like a grump.
I could quote you a bunch of random motivational quotes, or spout off an inspiring story I have, but I think you should try the day of peace for yourself. If it changes your world, it just might change the world around you.
That's my short rant for now,
Nameless hipster girl

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