After a long absence from the internet, I am back and ready to tell my story. See what life is really like for a person living with schizo-affective disorder. I think you'll find We're not so different from the average person.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Let's talk
Thursday, 16 January 2014
I went on a $100 shopping spree, and all I got was this some groceries
Friday, 10 January 2014
What's up!
Hello blog readers!
So what's new with you guys? Nothing new with me really.
I went dancing at a gay bar with my sister and her friends. They say you can tell how good someone is in bed by the way they dance. That explains why some men are gay. If there really good at dancing, there gay. All the good guys are on the other team. I wish I knew more about sports so I could make a funny related anecdote.
I hope your holidays are going well. I'm getting more and more followers on instagram and Pinterest, which is nice. Makes me feel like a big girl.
I bought all my Christmas presents and I'm totally ready for the new year. I'm so excited for January 2nd. 3 important things are happening the day after the new year begins!
1. My library books are due back
2. My tattoo is getting the next stage of it done
3. Community it's coming back!
Ahhhhhhh! I'm so excited
I know when you have really high expectations about something it usually doesn't turn out, so I'm trying not to be too too excited about it, but I'm pretty Damn excited. The new years going to start out right! Eeeee
Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks to everyone who complemented me on my last post, the one about my cat. I might do more stuff like that. But who has the time, right?
Nameless hipster girl
God, I don't want to have to go back to Facebook
Going back to Facebook would be like going back to an ex who constantly ignored you and that you hate. There is no good reason to go back.
However, everyone I know has Facebook and I need to get back in touch with some of those people and have no other way of talking to them.
So on that note, here are some things I have learned over my many years of life...
Lesson 1: Just because someone didn't graduate, doesn't mean there not smart.
I've known plenty of people who either didn't graduate on time, at all, or got a GED later in life, and they're living very productive lives. Some of them are more put together than me (mind you that's not saying much but still).
Lesson 2: if your nice, even when you're in a crappy mood, things go better for you
Remember to judge people, not on how they treat you, but how they treat others. I work in the service industry, and if people are mean to me, I assume they have a mental problem that makes them an asshole to everyone. In other words I let it go.
Lesson 3: People are stupid, EVERYBODY
This is the most important lesson of them all. Because people don't know they're stupid, even smart people are stupid. Remember, if you think your smart, see lesson #3.
Lesson 4: Animals are smarter, and more important than you think.
People don't give animals enough respect. I'm not speaking as a member of PETA or a tree hugger or anything (mostly because I can't be a true vegan, because I can't eat soy, and there substrate for meat is always soy soy soy. It's crazy) but animals have been around longer than you. Respect your elders!
So there are a few lessons in the lessons. All together those are pretty important lessons in life. And I will let you all know if I go back to Facebook. Your all my friends, so I'll add you.
That's all for now,
Nameless hipster OUT!