Saturday 20 October 2012

I am Hipster see me Gangnam style

Dear readers,

I know, and you know that no one has been sending me e-mail, and less and less people are leaving comments. It made me sad. It made me think that no one was reading my blog.

It made me le sad.

But then I looked to see "who" was reading my blog on my account and I'd like to make a special thanks to the people in Canada , Russia, United States, Germany, Latvia, United Kingdom, Australia, Netherlands, Malta and Malaysia!
You all keep me going, all - I don't know, I'm going to guess 11 of you.

So I've been learning more Ukrainian in my spare time this week. Mostly because I have no spare time and no friends who like to go out and do stuff, but I like it like that anyway. It's going well as far as I can tell; I don't know for sure because I don't know anyone who actually speaks Ukrainian, apart from my Baba, but she doesn't speak it so much anymore.

But if I want to know swears I know who to go to! That's Baba!
At any rate, I was wondering if you the readers could let me know if you know of any websites or programs that could help me. Hipsters should always know more than one language. Or at least be able to fake it really well.

"Presno povnio meteziya" something like that. I don't know the alphabet, but I'll try to learn it. I've got an app for that. I don't want to have to pay a super amount of money and I've already checked my local papers and classes; there are none. Boo!

So what all happened this week. Well, I worked, I slept a little, I watched American Dad, slept a little more, worked a lot more.
I don't know how many hipsters are introverts but don't you hate it when people talk to you? I'm not talking about at my job when people ask "How are you" but don't actually care. I mean when I'm on my break at work and my co-workers start talking to me. I'm on break! I'm playing solitaire on my phone, what part of that screams "come talk to me"?


Maybe that's just me though, I hate people most days.

don't forget to follow me on twitter and instagram! I don't always post pictures, but when I do, it's of things that I'm eating,
Nameless hipster girl

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