Friday 12 October 2012

People aren't wearing enough hats!

Hey people.

Wow, the weekend again already. It feels like only a week ago I was typing out a blog for you. Wait...

Anyway, not a lot going on this week. I'm working hard and saving up for school. I'll be getting my tattoo designed and done in the up coming weeks but that's not till later.

I need a second job, I need more money because money is nice. plus once I'm going to school I'll probably be paying more in union fees then I will in my paycheck or interest in my savings. I'll vertually be losing money! Hmmm...

I need a new bank too.

What's the perfect hipster job? Retail worker?

Art store cashier?

HR rep?

I dunno something that's not to mainstream but still respectable. so probably not an HR rep...

"wah wah" said the muted horn in the corner.

(I tried to find a picture but the internet was being stupid)

*Slaps the internet* THAT'S FOR BEING STUPID!


What's everyone been up to?

I know I've been working but I never hear anything about the other hipsters in the world, and I know they're there!

I see you baby,

wearin' that hat. wearin' that hat. wearin' that hat.

That's the only real distinction between hipsters and people. Well, not so much anymore. People wear hats all the time when it's cold. But only hipster wear them all year long!

Guy hipsters have beards, but girls can't or won't grow those. Hopefully won't. Definitely won't.

I'm not saying I'd look bad with one, but if I did have one I'm sure I would use it as a conversation starter.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm hungry; I'm going to eat Pringles.

Don't forget to tweet me!


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