It has recently been brought to my attention that my life is boring. I tryed to argue this fact, but bored myself trying to convince the accuser otherwise. So I've decided to mseEake a list of interesting things too do. I will try and do already one everyday.
Draw a picture
Make a comic
Make a movie
Walk for a while
Talk to a stranger
Buy candy
Convince a friend to paint a femme
Write a blog (check)
Kiss someone
Write a letter to someone
get Tarot cars read
Punch someone
Eat dessert first
Sing in a band
Make money in an interesting way
Get a call from an old friend (not sure how I would arrange that...)
Go to a bar
I realize a lot of those things aren't really that interesting. But I'm on a budget and like I said before I'm boring! If you have any better ideas I'd like to hear them.
I'm kind of getting tired of being a hipster. Only because a bunch of people who are claiming to be hipsters are ruining it for the rest of up, or rather us actual hipsters! People think I'm a poser but I'm a hipster! I used to be a hipster and I'll always be a hipster! Most likely anyway, unless I could be a super villan, then I'll be that...
In conclusion, of you can be anyone be batman.
Nameless hipstergirl