Friday 23 November 2012

It's my blog and I'll post when I want to

And now on to a hipsters favorite topic, the weather! Today was mild, the morning was cold but once the clouds went away it got a lot nicer. I wrote 3 pairs of socks to keep my feet warm in my cons! I need a good pair of winter boots. But first I need money, yesterday was windy and terrible! And I expected for it to stay that way. But it's actually okay. I'm still wearing 2 sweaters and my coat. I try to wear skinny jeans no matter what the weather but if it's really cold I have to wear leggings and my skinny jeans don't fit over top. Well, that's not true, I've lost a lot of weight recently so a lot of my skinny jeans look more like boot cut. But I recently got some free jeans from a friend and I'm going to get my sister to turn them into skinny jeans for me so I'll finally have a pair of pants that fit and the fly works. (right now I only have one pair that fit, but the fly is broken.) Now, I have 3 new (to me) pants and they all have to be modified because they are bell bottoms, and they make me look short. I was going to pay to Taylor fit them, but if I can do it for free then woo hoo!
I realize that I started off talking about the  weather and ended up talking about fashion but hipsters love fashion too. Fashion is very important to hipsters. Actually, what you wear is the most important part of being a hipster. If you wear the right stuff you don't even have to act the part and people will still
think you're a hipster.
Nameless hipster girl
P.s sorry for not getting this spell checked. I had little to no time. I wanted to post as soon as possible on Saturday to make up for last weeks late post.

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