Friday 20 July 2012

Did he say marvelous pigs in satin?

Dear blog readers,
My, my, my, it seems it is Saturday again! this week has felt so busy and yet nothing has happened. Grr.
So thank you to all who participated in my captioning contest. but unfortunately there can be only one winner and that winner is this one:
 I'll try and have another captioning contest soon. But for now I'm mostly just working a lot.No time for other things. But I'll try and draw comics and stuff as often as I can and get them loaded on here.
Exiting news update! The newest season of breaking bad is on Netflix! I'm on episode 5 of season 4. Watching it on regular TV is to mainstream, I always wait till stuff comes on Netflix. No commercials and what not.
So I guess I ow you guys some explanation for the first comic there. You see my next door neighbor Aaron reset my iPod to factory standards and lost all of my music memos and such by accident. So, I pushed him down a well. And his cat that he loves so very very much goes out to save him, but once he finds me he just goes to sleep. HA! totally deserves it! Just kidding. I didn't really push him down a well. But he did deserve that. But you know what they say, "If you can't actually kill someone, just write about it." Pretty sure Bette Middler said that. That could be all in my head though.
Well I have to go get more then 2 hours of sleep and work on some hipster type things that would just be to complicated to explain. So I'll see you next week and you guys keep sending e-mails and tweets in my direction!
Nameless Hipstergirl

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