Wednesday 30 May 2012

And thus we dance...

Hey Bloggers
Sense when was English music the most popular stuff out there? I'm here listening to a Romanian radio station and it's virtually all English music! I've been listening for half an hour and I've only heard one song in Romanian! But this was labelled under "talk radio and I have yet to hear people talk...
At least the commercials are in Romanian.
So today was my first day off sense Saturday, and apart from tomorrow it will most likely be my only day off in a while. I spent the whole day trying to make a music video on movie maker only to realize I don’t have a copy of the song I’m trying to make. Ugh, I’ve got an iTunes copy, but I can’t play that on movie maker apparently. Oh well… I’ll find a way. Till then it’ll just be a comic.
So all in all it was a productive day, I phoned some people, figured out some stuff for school. Found out how much I have to spend for rent and utilities and all that Jazz.
As I always say, a day where you never have to leave your bed is a good one. But I think I have to get groceries later, I was going to make veggie burgers for supper, but I have no add-on’s, onion, tomato, lettuce, Rosemary, cheese (apart from goat cheese), buns. Plus you’ve got to have fries! Or some kind of potato or starch. I might get me some corn… mmm corn. Corn on the cob is the best. Or even off the cob. I can’t wait for it to be corn season. You can get corn now, and its okay, but I prefer corn in august it’s the BEST! AHH! Anyway, for now I’m staying in bed.
Oh my god! A Romanian song! HURRAY!
Nameless hipster girl

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