Wednesday 16 May 2012

Hipsters are people too

Hello Hipster porn searchers of the Internet,

No, this is not a porn site; it's just a regular blog. Talking about random stuff that makes me a hipster.
What am I up to? I'm watching American idol with my house mate. She's on the phone, not paying attention at all... I should change the channel, but the remotes all the way over there... screw it.
So today at work I got several comments about my hair. I love my hair too, but when you can't see my roots people always ask me what my natural hair colour is. Not in a sexual way (I hope. the first comment was from a 62 year old woman, possibly the same one who was buying KY brand stuff that one time...that was creepy, she was probably older the 62 actually, she was closer to 70 or 80, but I have no real way of finding out how old she is without asking her.) but just as a conversation starter. Same with the spelling of my name. It's different so some people don't know how to pronounce it, but then we get in a whole discussion.
Sometimes I like the people at work, but most of the time I hate them. I like my co-workers though. Today one of the women I work with told me I reminded her of the girl from Juno. The rest of the day she called me "Juno".
Now personally, I am not offended by that, because she didn't mean it like "you look like a pregnant teen" she meant it "you have a spunky and odd outlook on life" which is true if you don't know me very well. Which is how most people know me? Plus Ellen Page is both cute, and an exceptional actress.
OH and my computer is working again! I need new stickers for it and I will try and post a daily comic once I have the cartooning figured out. we'll see, we'll see....

That's all for now! Don’t forget to e-mail me!

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