Thursday 24 May 2012

Post title

Hello my people,
Thank you for the views, but I’m still not seeing very many e-mails or comments.
2 shout outs to mention though! First of all, I went thru and spell checked all of my past posts on word, but one thing you have to remember as you read this is “I am not writing like it’s an essay for school”. I’m writing it as I would say it. I’m fine with correcting spelling mistakes here and there, but I don’t talk like an English professor. I don’t talk like that. I talk like this. Deal with it.

Secondly, about my top books that I’ve posted I’ve had arguments with my house mate about it and I’d just like to put it out there that “The Hunger games” SUCK!
It was a mix of twilight, 1984 and a ramble of different crap that just kept going and going… As I was reading it I remember thinking “What the hell! This book should have ended 4 chapters ago!” but no, it kept going. The characters made no sense, the story line was horrible and in the end I was left with a feeling that “I’m never going to get my time back from reading that book.” And I know I say this a lot because I am a hipster but I hated this book first! Before anyone else hated it! It grinds my gears that stuff like this gets published and made into films but actual good writers are left for dust on the shelf. Pft. Well I hope you’re happy crappy writers, you’re turning the world to Hell!

Nameless Hipster girl

1 comment:

  1. Hey okay - I get it. No more talk about the spelling.
    And I agree with you about the Hunger Games. The premise has been done before and it's not original, and you are right about good writers getting shelved while the crappy ones get noticed because they are an "easy" read. The problem is that the world is stupid right now and we don't want to challenge anyone enough to actually have to think about what they read.
    Oh well - that's my nickle's worth. TTFN - OriginalCheech
