Tuesday 22 May 2012

Fe helps us play!

I'm just sitting on my front porch, listening to Grooveshark. Check it out if you have 2 minutes or more. I love music, that part of being a hipster.
Try this, go onto Grooveshark and type in a few random letters to make a word and discover a new band. Not new to the world but new to you. That's how I discovered Genialisted. Best band from (insert country here) every! (By the way, if anyone could tell me what language there speaking it would be really helpful.)
Speaking of languages, I've been practicing counting in Sign language and I've been going over how to say various animal names in Ukrainian. Learning is fun! I realize that makes me sound like Rod or Todd Flanders,

"Iron helps ups play!"

But I do enjoy learning new things. How else will I one day be able to say "I know how to play the accordion" in Ukrainian, to a deaf person....
That would be pointless, but then I would sign it to them and they would be amazed.
Anyway, I was thinking of the "cat vs. dog" as a pet debate today, and I decided it's to mainstream. I have a bird. I win.
My Pet can fly, my pet can say things, and my pet is soft. Your argument is invalid.
Show me someone who can teach their dog to say "F..k you". Although, I don't want my bird to learn how to say that, but my house mate is trying pretty hard to teach him.
Well I leave you with a song to get stuck in your head.

"I've got the Joy joy joy joy down in my heart,
Down in my heart to stay!
And if they devil dosn't like it he can sit in a tack!
Sit on a tack!"

Nameless Hipster girl
P.S. follow me on twitter it's not mainstream yet!


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